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Wellbeing at YBG

Cefnogaeth i ofalwyr ac i’r gofalwyr ifanc : Mae gofalwr yn edrych ar ol perthynas, ffrind neu gymydog sy’n sal neu anabal, neu rhywun sydd gyda phroblemau meddyliol neu broblemau eraill fydde ddim yn dygymod heb help. Bydd gofalwr ifanc (dan 18) neu gofalwr oedolyn ifanc (18-25) yn cymryd cyfrifoldeb dros rhywun arall. Mae’r gofal hwn yn ddi-dal. Caiff gofalwyr a gofalwyr ifanc gefnogaeth ym Mro Gwaun. Os hoffech mwy o wybodaeth neu daflenni cyngor, neu os yw eich plentyn yn ofalwr ifanc, rhowch wybod i’r Pennaeth Blwyddyn neu i’r Arweinydd Gofalwyr Ifanc (Miss Rhian Lewis).

Support for adult carers and for young carers : A carer is someone who looks after a relative, friend or neighbour who is ill, frail, disabled, has a mental health concern or problematic substance use and who could not manage without that help. A young carer (under 18) or young adult carer (18-25) is someone whose life is restricted because of the need to take responsibility for a family member due to issues as above. The care provided is unpaid. At Ysgol Bro Gwaun we support carers and young carers. If you require further guidance or information leaflets, or if your child is a young carer please contact the relevant Year Progress Manager or the Carer Lead (Miss Rhian Lewis.)

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