
Family Support

Cymorth i Deuluoedd
Gall rhieni deimlo’n hyderus, drwy gysylltu â’r ysgol, fod cymorth wrth law i drafod â staff a/neu gweithwyr cymorth unrhyw faterion a all beri pryder. Darperir cymorth rheolaidd gan nyrs yr ysgol, Tîm Cynhwysiant Awdurdod Lleol Sir Benfro, a Chydgysylltydd Tîm o Amgylch y Teulu.
Mae’r ysgol wedi ennill cydnabyddiaeth fel ysgol iach drwy annog disgyblion i fwyta’n iach, ac yr ydym yn
creu ymwybyddiaeth o beryglon ysmygu, camddefnyddio alcohol a chyffuriau, drwy amrywiaeth o ddigwyddiadau allgyrsiol.
Rydym yn gobeithio bod holl rieni a gofalwyr yr ysgol yn teimlo eu bod yn perthyn i’r ysgol, ac yn gallu cyfrannu mewn ffordd arbennig i fywyd yr ysgol. Anogir pawb i ddod yn aelodau gweithgar o ‘Ffrindiau Bro Gwaun’.


Family Support
Parents can feel confident by contacting the school that help is at hand to discuss with staff and pupil support workers any issues that may give cause for concern. Regular assistance is provided by the school nurse, Pembrokeshire Local Authority’s Inclusion team and the Team Around the Family Coordinator.
The school has gained recognition as a healthy school by encouraging pupils to eat healthily and we create an awareness of the dangers of smoking, alcohol and drug abuse through a variety of organised extra-curricular events.
We hope that all parents and carers feel that they belong to the school, and that they can contribute in a particular way to the life of the school. All are encouraged to become active members of ‘Friends of Bro Gwaun’.

Young Carers

Cefnogaeth i ofalwyr ac i’r gofalwyr ifanc : Mae gofalwr yn edrych ar ol perthynas, ffrind neu gymydog sy’n sal neu anabal, neu rhywun sydd gyda phroblemau meddyliol neu broblemau eraill fydde ddim yn dygymod heb help. Bydd gofalwr ifanc (dan 18) neu gofalwr oedolyn ifanc (18-25) yn cymryd cyfrifoldeb dros rhywun arall. Mae’r gofal hwn yn ddi-dal. Caiff gofalwyr a gofalwyr ifanc gefnogaeth ym Mro Gwaun. Os hoffech mwy o wybodaeth neu daflenni cyngor, neu os yw eich plentyn yn ofalwr ifanc, rhowch wybod i’r Pennaeth Blwyddyn neu i’r Arweinydd Gofalwyr Ifanc (Miss Rhian Lewis).


Support for adult carers and for young carers : A carer is someone who looks after a relative, friend or neighbour who is ill, frail, disabled, has a mental health concern or problematic substance use and who could not manage without that help. A young carer (under 18) or young adult carer (18-25) is someone whose life is restricted because of the need to take responsibility for a family member due to issues as above. The care provided is unpaid. At Ysgol Bro Gwaun we support carers and young carers. If you require further guidance or information leaflets, or if your child is a young carer please contact the relevant Year Progress Manager or the Carer Lead (Miss Rhian Lewis.)

Pastoral Support

Gofal Bugeiliol
Y Tiwtor Dosbarth yw’r person allweddol fel cyswllt rhwng y cartref a’r ysgol. Bydd y Tiwtor Dosbarth yn cwrdd a’ch plentyn bob dydd, a bydd yn dod i adnabod eich plentyn yn dda. Gellir trosglwyddo negeseuon a anfonwyd o’r cartref at y Tiwtor
Dosbarth ar gyfer cofrestru bore, er mwyn dosbarthu i’r person priodol o fewn yr ysgol am ymateb angenrheidiol prydlon. Ym mhob grŵp blwyddyn, mae’r tîm o Diwtoriaid Dosbarth yn cael eu harwain gan Reolwr Cynnydd Blwyddyn. Mae gan y Rheolwyr Cynnydd Blwyddyn gyfrifoldeb cyffredinol am les myfyrwyr, a chynnydd yr holl ddisgyblion yn eu grŵp blwyddyn.
Anogir rhieni i gysylltu â’r ysgol i drafod unrhyw bryderon. Gellir gwneud apwyntiadau gyda’r Rheolwr Cynnydd Blwyddyn drwy gysylltu â swyddfa’r ysgol.


Pastoral Care
The Form Tutor is the key person in the link between home and school. The Form Tutor will meet your child daily, and will get to know the pupils well. Messages from home sent to the Form Tutor in time for morning registration can be passed to the appropriate person within the school and the necessary response arranged promptly. In each year group, the team of Form Tutors is led by a Year Progress Manager. The Year Progress Managers have overall responsibility for student welfare, and the progress of all pupils in their respective year groups.
Parents are encouraged to contact the school to discuss concerns. Appointments can be made with the Year Progress Manager by contacting the school office.