
Mae pob aelod o staff yn gyfrifol am ddiogelwch a diogelu pob disgybl sy’n mynychu’r ysgol. Os oes pryderon ynghylch esgeulustod neu gamdriniaeth gorfforol, emosiynol neu rywiol, yna o dan Gweithdrefnau Amddiffyn Plant yng Nghymru mae gan staff ddyletswydd i adrodd y pryder i Swyddog Amddiffyn Plant yr ysgol. Efallai y bydd rhaid i’r Swyddog Amddiffyn Plant ymgynghori â chydweithwyr proffesiynol yn ogystal ag asiantaethau perthnasol eraill, megis Gwasanaethau Iechyd Cymdeithasol. Yn dilyn y drafodaethau hyn, efallai bydd yr ysgol yn gorfod gwneud atgyfeiriad at yr Adran Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol, a fydd yn penderfynu y camau nesaf. Oherwydd natur rhai honiadau, ni fydd yn briodol i drafod materion gyda’r rhieni cyn gwneud atgyfeiriad. Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a’r Heddlu sy’n gyfrifol am ymchwilio i honiadau.

Y Swyddogion Amddiffyn Plant penodedig yw Miss Alana Finn a Miss Ros Bushell.

All members of staff are responsible for the safety and protection of all pupils who attend the school. If there are concerns regarding neglect or physical, emotional or sexual abuse, then under the All Wales Child Protection procedures staff are duty-bound to report the concern to the Child Protection Officer at the school. The Child Protection Officer may consult
with professional colleagues as well as other relevant agencies, such as Health & Social Services. Following these discussion, the school may be obliged to make a referral to the Social Services Department, who will decide on the next course of action. Due to the nature of some allegations, it may not always be appropriate to discuss matters with parents prior to making a referral. The responsibility for investigating allegations lies with Social Services and the Police.

The designated Child Protection Officers are Miss Alana Finn and Miss Ros Bushell.