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Your Science & Technology journey starts here...

In Science and Technology pupils will learn to work safely with their health and well-being in mind. They will develop an understanding of how to use equipment and be able to develop hypotheses while selecting appropriate materials and processes. They will work towards authentic outcomes so that they see Science and Technology as part of the real world they live in. They will develop a broader understanding of the role of science and technology in society; they can be both the problem and the solution to human difficulties and challenges. Within all of this will be a drive to incite curiosity, confidence and the capacity to solve complex problems.


The curriculum has been designed around three themes and key questions:


Theme 1: Rights and responsibilities.

Key question: How will climate change affect life on Earth?


The interdependence of species


Classification of organisms

Conservation of species


Energy Resources


Energy efficiency


Practical skills to develop:

Working safely


Predicting outcomes

Measuring and recording data




Sources of edible oils like palm oils.

Local versus imported foods

Food miles and carbon footprints.

Growing food.

Impact of costs on sourcing sustainable materials and ingredients.

Veganism and vegetarianism



Practical skills to develop:

Weighing and measuring

Peeling, slicing, dicing, chopping

Methods of heat transfer




Theme 2: Threats and disasters.

Key question: What are the biggest threats to humankind and how can we solve them?


Cells & life processes

Human health


Properties of matter

Changing states

Separation techniques

Water purification processes





Practical skills to develop:

Working safely


Predicting outcomes

Measuring and recording data

Resistant Materials

Sources of hard materials – wood/metal

Sustainable sources of wood and metals (eg Canadian wood from sustainable sources).

Local v imported materials

Carbon footprint of a material

Copper mines – copper love spoons (linking to Welsh culture and heritage).

Cost of materials

Impact on consumer choices



Practical skills to develop:

Working safely

Measuring, marking, cutting, tolerance.

Handling of materials to make joints.

Drilling, painting.


Theme 3: Leaving what we know.

Key question: How could we adapt to live in a new environment?


Combustion and its effects

Fuels & alternative energy sources

Carbon footprint




Energy transformations



Practical skills to develop:

Working safely


Predicting outcomes

Measuring and recording data

Computer Science

Formulating algorithms

Coding using Bricks, Python and JavaScript





‘Infection’ program to model the spread of a computer virus


Space robots through Lego Mindstorms or Micro:Bit Line follower


By the end of year 7 all pupils would have completed all 3 themes and key questions.

Assessments will take place throughout the year and will be a mixture of practical, skills and knowledge based. Most will be formative assessments, but all will provide the student with details on the next step to take in improving their progress.

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